To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee

Fare Taxes

Washington State has one of the most REGRESSIVE tax systems in the U.S.
The poorest (20%) non-elderly of our residents pay nearly 17% of their income in State taxes.
The richest (1%) non elderly of our residents pay just less than 3% of their income in taxes.
We would like to have a Progressive Washington State Income Tax!
We support abandoning the Property Tax (Levies) on our primary residence.
We support Sin Taxes, Inheritance Taxes, Luxury Taxes on (boats, motorcycles, cars, second houses, ect.) and Sales Taxes on non food items.

Why is this important?

We are sick of property taxes and sales taxes, to pay for EVERYTHING.
It is time for a State Income Tax!
Washington State has one of the most REGRESSIVE tax systems in the U.S.
The poorest (20%) non-elderly of our residents pay nearly 17% of their income in State taxes.
The richest (1%) non elderly of our residents pay just less than 3% of their income in taxes.