Dear Chairman and Commissioners of the FCC; We the People have had enough of Fox's Broadcasting procedures and policies. We want them investigated for subliminal messaging in all their media and programming, specifically but not limited to the 2012 election. It is clear to us that those who watch or listen, have the same clear pictures in the minds of things proven false. The people watching and listening, as well are unable to answer simple questions put to them about why they feel that way or where they have seen or heard it. All symptoms of subliminal messaging. We the People would like this network shutdown for it's illegal practices. Thank you for your quick response and action to this matter!
Why is this important?
Several YouTube videos SHOW that Fox is using subliminal messaging in several shows like Who's that hiding in my Fox News logo etc. We believe that Fox is using subliminal broadcasting techniques to sway voters in this election. None of the people we talk to can actually tell us why they are voting the way they are, but they all have the same pictures in their mind and they all watch Fox or Listen to their radio broadcasting.