To: President Donald Trump, Rep. Will Hurd (TX-23), Sen. John Cornyn (TX-1), Sen. Ted Cruz (TX-2), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

FCC: Keep the Internet Free & Equal

Do not allow internet providers to provide tiered classes of service. Doing so will disenfranchise small business and squash the innovation from web startups that drives our modern economy.

Why is this important?

As founder of a number of web startups, I assure you that charging for "fast lane" access will place startups at a disadvantage, squashing innovation and discouraging small business. In addition, existing small business will be disincentivized from building or maintaining their websites severely curtailing the web development, SEO, and SEM industries. With no websites, small business will not buy PPC advertising and the online advertising industry will suffer as well. This is a very bad idea.
