10 signatures reached
FCC Needs to Act
Limbaugh has has used the following Profanity to describe women; Slut, Snark, Info-babe, Femi-Nazi, Prostitue, Bitchy and several other during daytime hours when Profanity is against the law. The FCC is charged by Congress to insure this does not happpen. Apparently the FCC needs more people to file complaints.
before they will take any action. www.fcc.gov Your help is needed.
before they will take any action. www.fcc.gov Your help is needed.
Why is this important?
Rush Limbaugh uses PROFANITY in the Daytime Hours and the FCC should take action. I submitted a complaint CIMS00003356202 - Lumbaugh Daytime Language in March 2012. Have not gotten an answer and the FCC has not taken any action. Perhaps more complaints will get some action.