To: Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

FDA Should be held accountable for Death/Disease from approved Drugs

Stop the FDA from approving harmful drugs. Hold them responsible if they do approve them without due dilligence and the science to back it up! 100,000 people per year on average are killed or seriously injured due to drugs approved without proper review. The FDA needs to be held accountable. Perhaps then we will see responsible decisions concerning new drugs entering the marketplace!

Why is this important?

More than 100,000 people each year are killed or sustain serious and damaging reactions to drugs that should never have made it to the market. The FDA approves these drugs and asks no questions of the drug companies' supposed studies. This is a form of genocide. If a car or a product did this much damage, there would be serious litigation. If the FDA approves a drug and it kills, maims, or creates a new more serious condition, the FDA should be held responsible!
