To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
F.D.A. should stop playing a political game by suppressing the use of the significantly safer dru...
In the 1890's, the original conventional medicine (alternative) doctors began prescribing all-natural hormones to treat hypothyroidism. These natural hormones are extracted from animal and plant sources. In 1958, the chemical industry first began producing the completely synthetic versions of the hormones, which have been marketed as being identical to the natural hormones that had been used for decades. Soon thereafter, the F.D.A. began playing a political game to suppress the use of the significantly safer, animal-based hormones for no other reason than increasing profits. Behind its corrupt shenanigans was the fact that chemical formulations can be patented, but natural hormones cannot. It avoided a political backlash by not officially banning the natural hormones, but it nevertheless accomplished the same goal by re-categorizing natural hormone treatments as "not approved" therapies. Thus, a doctor risks his medical license, and increases his lawsuit risk, if he prescribes the natural hormones. It is another example of the F.D.A. eliminating competition for its top pharmaceutical partners, using very cunning methods. Treating hyperthyroidism has become much more expensive and much more dangerous as a result. The new synthetic hormones are addictive to the extreme, as only chemistry can provide. It follows the same addictive pattern seen with cholesterol medications, hypertension medications, diabetes medications, cancer treatments, anti-depressants, and pharmaceutical sales record-holders like Heroin (from Bayer). The chemical industry's synthetic hormones cause both heart disease and cancers, but they help to cover a doctor's assets.
Why is this important?
I have Hashimoto's disease. They are natural drugs out there that can help me and millions of others who are suffering just like me. I can't get these drugs legally, even though they are cheap and effective and have been used for a very long time including here in the US. We can't get these meds because big pharma is not going to make money from natural drugs they can't patent. FDA would go after any medical practitioners if they would dare to prescribe you something that is legal in Canad and around the World. However, the problem doesn't end with my condition. They are many others just like me who have different conditions and need different treatments and we are forced to support the "business of drugs". For how long? I am still alive so I will try to change it while I still can. Please, help if you could.