To: David J. Kennedy, Chief, Civil Rights Unit Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, United States Attorney Southern District of New York, Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division, and The Honorable Eric H. H...

Federal Justice for Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.

We, the undersigned, agree and stand in solidarity with the family of Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. in demanding that Eric Holder do the right thing and indict these officers for violating the civil rights of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. We urge you to also place the White Plains Police Department under federal review.

"White Plains police acted with reckless abandonment and demonstrated a chilling disregard for the quality and sanctity of the life of Mr. Kenneth Chamberlain. Indeed, and at best, the White Plains Police Department violated both their mission statement and their sacred oath of office by facilitating the death of Mr. Chamberlain," stated Jimmy Bell, Department of Criminal Justice & Sociology, Jackson State University.



Why is this important?

On November 19, 2011 68 year old Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. was shot and killed by members of the White Plains Police Dept. He accidentally triggered his life aid pendant which he wore around his neck because he suffered from COPD and a mild heart condition. He had committed no crime. The entire incident is captured on audio. Part 1 Part 2

When acting under color of law the City of White Plains and its elected officials have made it very clear through the lack of a criminal indictment in this case that it is ok to mock, taunt, use expletives and call a man a nigger before killing him and that the word NIGGER was used as a tactic to distract the victim.
