To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Too many federal employees have been wrongfully discharged with no recourse because the federal sector EEOC allows agencies to routinely find "no discrimination." This is a severe injustice. This level of decision making needs to be transferred to a neutral non agency body.

Why is this important?

The Federal Sector EEOC does not allow a fair chance for employees who have been wronged through discriminatory practices. Allowing the government the freedom to say discrimination occurred or did not occur is pointless. We all know it is time this authority is transferred to a neutral party far from the federal agency involved. Almost all cases are currently decided against the complainant. It's long overdue that this needs to be changed. Too many bonifide complainant have been wrongfully discharged with no chance of getting reinstated to their positions because the federal sector EEOC supports agencies versus bringing justice to those wrongfully discharged and/or discriminated against