To: President Donald Trump

Federal standard for voting across USA

2012 Elections was another example of how WE the people, Were subjected to the whims of those elected. Bent on serving PARTY not state and far more country. When "they" were indeed elected to do exactly that. The PLEDGE they made was BROKEN, with the average AMERICAN CITIZEN to represent US. And OUR interests with impartiality. In the simple act of voting to elect said officials. In this simple yet Wholly sacred act.

OUR COLLECTIVE Indelible right of voting was not AVAILABLE to ALL! But was instead met with obstacles, and blockades to impede and confuse. And in so doing discourage the very act itself! What is needed here is Federal regulations of RULES and times. And to make them uniformally standard. Which takes the partisan less than honorable Attorney Generals like Ohio's JOHN HUSTED and GOVERNORS like RICK SCOTT of FL. From having the ability to DISENFRANCHISE average people like me and most of America.

No one in this developed country should stand inline up to 7 hrs to vote! Or get discouraged and not vote! This is not the only time our antiquated voting system has been shown up. But we MUST not allow it to continue. I know we can do it Mr. President. In you we the people have faith! Thank you signed EVERY American citizen. And Miss Lisa Joseph.

Why is this important?

The debacle this past election in States like FL,OH and PA to name a few. Where PARTISAN GOP legislators tried to SKEW and disenfranchise CITIZENS MUST be stopped!
