To: President Donald Trump, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Federal Jury wrongly convicts my brother without factual evidence.
A 12 member all white jury serving on my brothers criminal case found him guilty of being in procession of a hand gun in which he was not holding and it did not have his DNA or Fingerprints on it.
Why is this important?
My brother Akram Muhammad a young black male was just found guilty of a crime in which he is clearly innocent of. The charge against him was not backed by any factual evidence. Akram's DNA or finger prints were not found on this hand gun. He was getting a ride home by a person in which he did not know was a felon and being pursued by ATF agents. My brother was getting into the backseat of this person's vehicle to be brought home after job searching at a relative's home. The moment at which my brother was entering the backseat of the vehicle the car was surrounded by a multiple police agencies to arrest the other individuals not my brother. Later when my brother could not give Federal agents information on the other parties they indicted him for a weapons charge, which was the same indictment of the two other parties. The agents found a weapon in the vehicle but this weapon did not have my brother's finger prints or DNA on it and the ATF agent testified that my brother made a motion to his waistband consistent to having a weapon. This could not be true to not have any factual evidence to what this agent testified to. My brother could not have enough time to clean all trace evidence off of said gun without wearing gloves in which he did not have on and while placing his hands up for ATF agent to arrest him. There was a lot of inconsistencies to the testimony of the agent and his initial report 6 months before my brother's trial. Please help my family get justice for my brother. He deserves a chance at freedom and to finish a life he was just starting to have. We have to take a stand against racial injustice and charging innocent people with crimes!