To: President Sepp Blatter
Why is this important?
Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFA-Strasse 20,
P.O. Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel : +41-(0)43 222 7777,
Dear FIFA and President Sepp Blatter:
On November 19th, the Croatian national team, led by Josip Simunic, together with the entire Croatian stadium chanted a Nazi chant, “ZA DOM SPREMNI.” Imagine… in today’s world, Hitler and Nazi Croatia being glorified on center stage – in front of the world.
Maybe you don’t know because nobody cares about the Serbian dead, but allow me to try express what the Serbian people went through in Croatia during the Second World War, please let the historical data speak:
“Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.”
- Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated 17 February 1942, stated that:
"The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustashi leader and Croatian Fuehrer, reminds one of the religious wars in [their] bloodiest aspects: one-third must become Catholic, one-third must leave the country and one-third must die. The last item was executed. When the leading men of the Ustashi movement are stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including infants, children, women and aged) this in my opinion is a self-praising exaggeration. According to the reports that have reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless slaughtered is some three-quarters of a million. [750,000]" [End quote.]
- Herman Naubacher, "Sonderauftrag Sudosten 1940-1945. Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomate," Gottingen, 1956, 31. Mr. Naubacher was Hitler's personal assistant for Southeastern Europe and Balkan affairs.
"The greatest genocide during World War II, in proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years 1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors, especially Germans, who were in the best position to know...
"...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this can attempt to tell only a part of the story." [End quote]
- Professor Edmond Paris, 'Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941- 1945,' November, 1961, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, from the introduction.
Infants, children… women… can you even begin to imagine? Can you, tell me? Can you imagine my pain, our pain? Do you need more scientific data to empathize? Three, only three little quotes that tell the story of my grandmother, my family’s suffering and all suffering of Christian Serbs in Nazi Croatia, and the suffering continues even to this day. I get it the world doesn’t care. For most a Serbian life doesn’t mean much. European countries can hate Serbia and the Serbian people all they want, but today your submission, silence and continued appeasement of Croatian soccer’s Nazi tributes, salutes, and glorification ends.
As much as your organization helped me, as much as I appreciate your kindness towards us and everything you did for us regarding the documentary film, as much as I love the way you work, and as much as I love soccer – it is ENOUGH. I will no longer sit by while your organization (and UEFA) let Croatians do what Josip Simunic did last night, or continue to chant “KILL THE SERB” every time there is an international match taking place in Zagreb. I, myself, will no longer allow your body to stay silent while 50,000 Croatians chant “SIEG HEIL” in Croatian (ZA DOM SPREMNI), and salute the Nazi way in FRONT of the whole world. It ends now.
I will use all my resources, and I am announcing that I will do my best to prepare all legal action against FIFA or any other international body that continues supporting Croatian Nazi chants, salutes, their sick Nazi love, the records of threats to kill Serbs, the relentless dense racism against the Serbian people, public hate speech from the Croatian soccer executives, the Croatian National soccer team, governing body, players and fans. Remember and know all of this Croatian Nazi love is not new. Rather, it is a collective pattern throughout Croatian society and always has been this way since their defeat in World War II. Can you believe that a player with 105 caps for the Croatian soccer team, a role model for young Croatian children, a legend in Croatian soccer history, not only salutes Hitler and Nazi Croatia in front of the world, he then in the media defends it all. This is who you allow to be a role model for the next generation of soccer players around the world?
Why haven’t you, FIFA, ever reacted? Why haven’t you, FIFA, done anything to STOP the pain and hurt the never ending Croatian soccer love affair with Nazi Croatia and Hitler causes? WHY? Please, I want an answer, tell me why?
Too late. Now your silence and passive support of the close to 1 million children, women, and Serbian people who had their throats slit, their eyes and tongues cut out, who were raped, buried alive, hung on trees, burnt alive, starved to death, put in concentration camps, humiliated, violated, desecrated, murdered, persecuted, oppressed, totally ruined by the official state of Croatia and the Croatian people – STOPS HERE.
No more FIFA. You will no longer stay silent. The Croatian National team body, players, coaches, fans and the Croatian state’s love for their Nazi past will be fought against. I will fight it legally, one young ...
FIFA-Strasse 20,
P.O. Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel : +41-(0)43 222 7777,
Dear FIFA and President Sepp Blatter:
On November 19th, the Croatian national team, led by Josip Simunic, together with the entire Croatian stadium chanted a Nazi chant, “ZA DOM SPREMNI.” Imagine… in today’s world, Hitler and Nazi Croatia being glorified on center stage – in front of the world.
Maybe you don’t know because nobody cares about the Serbian dead, but allow me to try express what the Serbian people went through in Croatia during the Second World War, please let the historical data speak:
“Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.”
- Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated 17 February 1942, stated that:
"The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustashi leader and Croatian Fuehrer, reminds one of the religious wars in [their] bloodiest aspects: one-third must become Catholic, one-third must leave the country and one-third must die. The last item was executed. When the leading men of the Ustashi movement are stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including infants, children, women and aged) this in my opinion is a self-praising exaggeration. According to the reports that have reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless slaughtered is some three-quarters of a million. [750,000]" [End quote.]
- Herman Naubacher, "Sonderauftrag Sudosten 1940-1945. Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomate," Gottingen, 1956, 31. Mr. Naubacher was Hitler's personal assistant for Southeastern Europe and Balkan affairs.
"The greatest genocide during World War II, in proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years 1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors, especially Germans, who were in the best position to know...
"...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this can attempt to tell only a part of the story." [End quote]
- Professor Edmond Paris, 'Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941- 1945,' November, 1961, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, from the introduction.
Infants, children… women… can you even begin to imagine? Can you, tell me? Can you imagine my pain, our pain? Do you need more scientific data to empathize? Three, only three little quotes that tell the story of my grandmother, my family’s suffering and all suffering of Christian Serbs in Nazi Croatia, and the suffering continues even to this day. I get it the world doesn’t care. For most a Serbian life doesn’t mean much. European countries can hate Serbia and the Serbian people all they want, but today your submission, silence and continued appeasement of Croatian soccer’s Nazi tributes, salutes, and glorification ends.
As much as your organization helped me, as much as I appreciate your kindness towards us and everything you did for us regarding the documentary film, as much as I love the way you work, and as much as I love soccer – it is ENOUGH. I will no longer sit by while your organization (and UEFA) let Croatians do what Josip Simunic did last night, or continue to chant “KILL THE SERB” every time there is an international match taking place in Zagreb. I, myself, will no longer allow your body to stay silent while 50,000 Croatians chant “SIEG HEIL” in Croatian (ZA DOM SPREMNI), and salute the Nazi way in FRONT of the whole world. It ends now.
I will use all my resources, and I am announcing that I will do my best to prepare all legal action against FIFA or any other international body that continues supporting Croatian Nazi chants, salutes, their sick Nazi love, the records of threats to kill Serbs, the relentless dense racism against the Serbian people, public hate speech from the Croatian soccer executives, the Croatian National soccer team, governing body, players and fans. Remember and know all of this Croatian Nazi love is not new. Rather, it is a collective pattern throughout Croatian society and always has been this way since their defeat in World War II. Can you believe that a player with 105 caps for the Croatian soccer team, a role model for young Croatian children, a legend in Croatian soccer history, not only salutes Hitler and Nazi Croatia in front of the world, he then in the media defends it all. This is who you allow to be a role model for the next generation of soccer players around the world?
Why haven’t you, FIFA, ever reacted? Why haven’t you, FIFA, done anything to STOP the pain and hurt the never ending Croatian soccer love affair with Nazi Croatia and Hitler causes? WHY? Please, I want an answer, tell me why?
Too late. Now your silence and passive support of the close to 1 million children, women, and Serbian people who had their throats slit, their eyes and tongues cut out, who were raped, buried alive, hung on trees, burnt alive, starved to death, put in concentration camps, humiliated, violated, desecrated, murdered, persecuted, oppressed, totally ruined by the official state of Croatia and the Croatian people – STOPS HERE.
No more FIFA. You will no longer stay silent. The Croatian National team body, players, coaches, fans and the Croatian state’s love for their Nazi past will be fought against. I will fight it legally, one young ...