To: Donald Trump, President-elect

Fight back against any and all anti-environmental attacks by the Trump administration and polluti...

This is my pledge to Donald Trump and the Republican leadership:

I am ready to fight, day in and day out, to make sure I do everything in my power to protect the planet I love.

I pledge to fight back against Trump when he caves to polluter's demands.
I pledge to fight back against attacks on efforts to cut carbon pollution like the Paris Climate Agreement and Clean Power Plan.
I pledge to defend our treasured public lands.

Why is this important?

The election might be over, but the fight for the environment and the future of our planet is gearing up to be one of the most grueling, intense battles yet.

People who care about the environment, who are worried about the dangers of climate change, and who want to save our only planet before it’s too late must rally together and fight back harder than ever.

Take the pledge to stand with LCV and do everything in your power to make sure we not only defend the last eight years of progress, but find a way to move forward!