To: The United States House of Representatives


Dear Representative,

We demand a government that is accountable to all of us, not just wealthy donors. I support the Government by the People Act (H.R. 20), which reduces the influence of big-money campaign donors by amplifying the voice of all Americans. Candidates can then focus their attention on people like me to support their campaigns, instead of bankers or lobbyists.

As a citizen co-sponsor, I urge you to be a leader in ensuring that our government is of, by, and for the people by working to pass this critical bill.

Why is this important?

We must fight back against big money special interests and prevent super PACs and dark money interests from drowning out the voice of everyday Americans.

One way to protect the voice of everyday Americans is by encouraging them to make small campaign contributions. Rep. Sarbanes' new Government by the People Act does this by matching small donations at a rate of $6 to $1, and by providing a $25 refundable tax credit for contributions.

