To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop NSA analysts from wiretapping people without due process

Remove the authority for NSA analysts to wiretap people without court approval. Pass a resolution clarifying that analyst judgment is not a substitute for court authorization.

Why is this important?

We now know the NSA has secretly decided they can wiretap anybody without the oversight of a court. This means that any NSA analyst can read your email, listen to your phone or Skype conversations, and watch what web searches you make.

I myself work in the data analysis industry and am appalled that the kinds of tools I am building are being abused by the government to spy on ordinary citizens without public oversight.

This overreaching behavior by the NSA is part of a larger trend where the call for strengthening national security since 9/11 has been eroding the rights of ordinary citizens. Although there will always be a balance between national security and people's rights, right now that balance is out of alignment.

It seems that every month we learn about more things the NSA is doing to vaccuum up more communication. Most recently the NSA was exposed as trying to insert backdoors into new encryption systems used to protect sensitive information on the internet, including online banking. What will they be doing next?

Now is the time to let Congress know that we don't approve of this. Sign this petition to prevent NSA analysts from abusing their power and make your voice heard. An email will automatically be delivered to your Representative and Senator in Congress.


More information about the NSA's capabilities can be found on my blog here: