To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Filibustering Yourself

Please propose the following as Amendment XXVIII to the United States Constitution:

Section 1. The rules of each house of the legislature of the United States shall allow calling the previous question to end debate and vote.

Section 2. The decisions of each house of the legislature of the United States shall be taken upon the concurrence of a majority of those present and voting, except in those instances specifically provided in this Constitution.

Section 3. All nominations submitted for the advice and consent of the Senate by the President shall receive an up or down vote by a majority of those senators present and voting within sixty days of such submission except for those appointments to life terms which shall have an up or down vote within ninety days. If this time limit has passed without a vote the advice and consent shall be deemed to have been given.

Why is this important?

The minority leader of the Senate filibustered himself yesterday.
It should be obvious that filibustering has gone too far.
We need an amendment to the US constitution to fix this.
Here is something that might work.