To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Find a way to enfranchise the citizens of Washington, DC.

America's capital city, Washington, DC, has been shut out of participation in congress for almost 200 years. There are citizens here directly descended from the enslaved laborers who helped build the White House and Capitol and have never had a voting representative in Congress. Stand with the citizens of DC in putting pressure on Congress and the White House to end this travesty and enfranchise the citizens who make Washington, DC home.

Why is this important?

Washington, DC is the only capital in the free world that denies its citizens voting representation in national government. Citizens from all the 435 congressional districts vote for a representative and two senators. Why are we treated differently? Growing up here or moving to Washington should not result in having your right to congressional representation stripped from you. It is immoral to allow this condition to continue.
