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To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Fire Congress!

Fire Congress if they won't do their jobs FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Why is this important?

Everyone has been affected by the stalemate and inability of our Congress to work for the American people. They are so much more concerned for their positions with lobbies in the aftermath of their stints in Congress that they could care less for the benefit of us. So what if they aren't reelected? The next move if they hold their ground is to get the big bucks as a lobbyist. So what is their incentive? If I didn't work for my boss I would be fired....why can't we fire Congress when they won't do their jobs for us? Honestly, they should sacrifice their salaries themselves to contribute to managing the deficit if they want to maintain their DO NOTHING attitudes.



2021-03-22 17:22:13 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-09-16 14:50:36 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-06-28 12:29:18 -0400

25 signatures reached