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To: Big Ten Conference

Fire Kevin Warren

Fire Kevin Warren

Why is this important?

The Firing of Kevin Warren is important for the future of the Big Ten and it’s Players Coaches and Staff. The leadership from Kevin Warren or lack there of during such an important time has been pitiful and embarrassing. The Players Coaches and Staff should have a voice. They have expressed their will to want to play and coach But they have been ignored. Other commissioners have listened to their Players Coaches and Staff and are getting high praise for it. The worst part of all this is Kevin Warren allowing his son to have his own choice to play in another conference while taking it in his hands to decide for other athletes in his conference that they can’t play. It is utter disrespect to the people of the Big10 and he should not continue as commissioner. This isn’t about the fans. This is about the players and what could be of their futures if they are not given the opportunity to play. Let Them Play. All Fall Sports



2020-08-21 08:37:27 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-08-21 06:59:47 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-08-21 02:44:43 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-08-18 18:30:14 -0400

10 signatures reached