To: Police Chief Thomas Jackson, Police Chief of Ferguson MO

Fire Police Chief Thomas Jackson

Calling for the Firing or Resignation of Police Chief Thomas Jackson

Why is this important?

Since the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager, by a Caucasian police officer last week in Ferguson, MO, Police Chief Jackson has demonstrated not only that he is an ineffective leader, but he will also promote a racist agenda in carrying out his job functions by: aiding & abetting the white suspect, Darren Wilson; deploying military tactics on a predominantly African-American crowd of protestors; disseminating video surveillance of a robbery suspect with a slight resemblance of the victim in an effort to defame the victim's character; & showing preferential treatment to Caucasian protestors over African-American protestors by charging them with lighter crimes.

It is time to put an end to racist policing!
