To: Comm. Derek Sawyer, Philly Fire Department and Michael Nutter, Mayor

Fire Racist Philly Fire Department Medic Marcell Salters!

Days before two NYPD Officers were executed, PFD Medic Marcell Salters made national news for his racist social media posts calling for guns to be pointed at white police. He is still on the job and we want him fired today!

Why is this important?

A week before two NYPD officers were executed, Philly Medic Marcell Salters made national news for posting an Instagram picture of two black men pointing guns at a white police officer with the caption "Our real enemy."

He followed with another comment: "need 2 stop pointing guns at each other & at the ones that's legally killing innocents."

Additionally he took to facebook posting the following comments: "Because of what i do i have to work with them but dont have to like them," he said. ". . . There are numerous crooked & corrupted cops (mostly white) & mostly they harass, beat, or kill innocents(mostly blks)."

Philly doesn't need or want racist Medics and we want him fired!