To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

First Amendment Repealed

I call for the unconditional impeachment of all elected officials who signed this into law immediately.

I'm not going to sell this one to you. I'll just display facts & sources, and let you decide to sign this or not. It effectively repeals the First Amendment. Even Faux sNooze had a short segment on it, and they're about as Establishment as it gets.

From the ACLU website:

H.R. 347, the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011," expanded the Secret Service's authority to regulate protests in and around areas where persons under Secret Service protection are located. It could be abused to interfere with lawful protest.

Government text of the entire document:

Why is this important?

Though this has been in existence since the 1970's Nixon era Congress, the 112th Congress has recently given the Secret Service expanded (read: SWEEPING) powers to declare a protest illegal and arrest people, including FELONY CHARGES for protesters.

The First Amendment has been repealed.