To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Fix "Citizens United" Ruling

It is no coincidence that public respect for, and confidence in, elected officials is at an all-time low while campaign spending is at an all-time high. To restore faith in the democratic process, it is vital that reasonable limits be placed on campaign spending. Unfortunately, due to the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in 2010, the only sure remedy is through an amendment to the Constitution.

I urge you to consider H. J. Res. 78, which is designed to protect free-speech rights while allowing Congress to control the costs of campaigning. Please act soon to restore the people's trust in our elected officials.

Why is this important?

H.J. Res. 78, offered by Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland, seeks to change the Constitution to allow limits to corporate spending on campaigns. This is the only means to reverse the ill-fated Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court, allowing unlimited corporate spending on campaigns for public office. There is a mirror proposal in the Senate made by John Conyers of Michigan.