To: Jack Burns, President - Hermosa Beach City School District, Carleen Beste, HBCSD Board Member, Pattie Ackerman, HBCSD Board Member, Lisa Claypoole, HBCSD Board Member, Raymond Waters, HBCSD Board Member, Howard Fishman, Mayor - Hermosa B...

Fix Hermosa Beach Schools Forever

We, the undersigned residents of Hermosa Beach, California, believe the following:

- Hermosa Beach is a great community to live in;
- Good schools are the foundational bedrock of good communities;
- Good schools decrease crime, and improve public safety;
- Good schools increase property values significantly;
- Just as the previous generation paid for our schooling, we owe it to the next generation to pay for theirs.

Therefore, in order to maintain the high quality of our schools, our property values, our community, and our Hermosa Beach Lifestyle, we would like to implement a parcel tax of $350 per parcel per year. By doing this, we will remove the need for the schools to beg for money every year, and we will eliminate the threat that our schools and community will be destroyed by cheapness. Let this fix the problem once and for all times.

Why is this important?

In order to protect our property values, improve our public safety, and help our children, Hermosa Beach needs to protect its schools.