To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom
Fix It NOW
The new super-majority of Democrats in the Assembly and Senate gives this legislature the singular opportunity to pass laws taxing oil depletion, out-of-state purchased yachts, and the really wealthy.
Increasing car tax on big vehicles would also help--but takes even more political courage.
They must also address other long range revenue sources or the expansion of taxes in CA will continue to be regressive--hitting the poorest hardest.
They must do it now and end the gridlock on new taxes or no one will get the opportunity again for a long time.
Increasing car tax on big vehicles would also help--but takes even more political courage.
They must also address other long range revenue sources or the expansion of taxes in CA will continue to be regressive--hitting the poorest hardest.
They must do it now and end the gridlock on new taxes or no one will get the opportunity again for a long time.
Why is this important?
With a super-majority of Democrats in Sacramento, the legislature and governor can either fix the revenue side of the state budget now, or it will never happen in our life time.