To: Towne Properties, Assistant Manager
Fix Rustica Oaks' Pool Properly
The current "fix" for the pool cracks is not sufficient. I'm concerned that next year, when the pool is no longer under warranty, we will end up with cracks in the same areas, and then it will be our financial problem to deal with. In addition, it is not practical to expect everyone to wear water shoes in the pool because of the poor quality of the fix. This pool is only 1 year old. It is unacceptable to have an essentially new pool so badly damaged that it is unsafe to not wear water a pool.
Let's fix it right while it is still under warranty!!
Let's fix it right while it is still under warranty!!
Why is this important?
I'm a homeowner in Rustica Oaks. I've been here since the very beginning- we were the second people to build a house from the ground up. We need to force Towne Properties to make this community pool what we deserve! It is now or never since the pool is still under warranty. We have rights, and let's assert them!