To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Fix what SCOTUS broke
Now that SCOTUS has vacated Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, Section 5 is - for all intents and purposes -- toothless. The only hope of restoring fairness and integrity to voting rights is for Congress to draw up a new map to ensure access and decency for all Americans. It's in everyone's interests, and clearly in the best interest of our democracy. It won't be easy, but without pressure it doesn't stand a chance. Now is the time to apply that pressure, and not let up.
Why is this important?
SCOTUS dismantled the Voting Rights Act today, vacating nearly 50 years of civil rights advancement. And this comes hard on the heels of the shocking attempts at voter suppression attempted for the 2012 election, which were only stopped because of the VRA.