To: All People Everywhere, Everyone
Fixing the Worlds Major Problems
I hope you are reading this because there are some very important things you need to know here.
This action to "End Global Warming" is that of one who has fallen for "their" lies, and is deceived into ignoring the real issues causing our problems.
First of all, global temperature changes from ice-age to warm age (like now, which will be the warmest on Dec 21 of 2012), are caused by the Milankovitch cycles:
1)the circle/oval nature of the earths orbit=100,000yrs;
2)the precession of earths axis makes a circle=about 26,000yrs;
3)the tilt of earths axis also changes in a cycle of 41,000 years. All of these effect the temperature. Also, Antarctica used to be near or at the equator, and the predicted shifting of the earths axis is happening right now, at 40miles per year last time I checked. We here in Arizona are therefore slowly moving towards the equator while the north pole moves towards Russia.
In the last 150 years it is true that we have increased the natural warming slightly, but only a small percentage (well under 10%) of the natural fluctuation between now, and the middle of the last ice age (which was 130,000 years long, and note, the neanderthals started and ended during that same period).
Further note that there is major meteor activity every 26,000 years, and that it is more severe ever third cycle, and this is the third cycle. There are major meteors headed our way in 2012 and 2020. Last time they ended the ice age and killed the neanderthals. The time before that was minor, it only created the huge Arizona Meteor crater, which is a small global event compared to the other ones as seen in the Ice Core chart on Wikipedia.
The time before that was the third and last time that the super-volcano in Yellow Stone erupted, it has erupted every 75,000 years or so, and each time because of a meteor. Also, a meteor created it the first time, about 225,000 years ago.
You must understand that these are natural events, and it is only those of us that understand them that can survive the coming changes.
Intentional genocide of the Human Race by The richest international financiers including (but not limited to):
Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Schiff, Warburg, Lehman, Lazard, Goldman Sachs, Kuhn and Loeb, etc..
Here is how they are doing it...
(Note, all of the sources for this are available on:
The international and central banks control the nations governments by controlling their money. This is the plan devised by Mayor Rothschild and 12 others in the 1770s because they could see that the Constitution could ruin their centuries old plans for complete Global Domination (the New World Order, if you dont believe in it, search for: "New World Order Quotes" and see the proof).
The methods used for killing us are:
Genetically Modified Foods which are shown to alter your organs and cause deaths,
Chemtrails contain tons of aluminum which is an accumulating toxin,
Mercury in the Thimerosal in all vaccines, or aluminum in their replacements, cause diseases,
All Processed and preserved foods cause disease.
The cure for all disease is to eat only those foods that made our ancestors healthy for the last million years, balance your Ph to just over 7.1, and get the right amount of the 42 "Essential Nutrients", and you will cure all disease.
Now at my market (Frys) the only NOT G.M. Produce is one type of heritage tomato. That is the only food in the store that does not cause harm.
Here is how health, disease and aging work:
Our cells have learned to use certain molecules, and anything new leaves left over parts that are ionized and called free radicals. These bond to other molecules causing harm, aging, and all diseases.
That is why all drugs have negative effects, and only natural foods can truly cure all disease.
The first doctor to find this in the modern record was Dr. Gerson. Also Dr. Reams and many others.
These rich individuals are the ones who call themselves the Illuminati, Mayor Rothschild started them in the 1770s for this reason. They infiltrated the free masons and make up their ranks above 33. They actually worship Lucifer, which explains why they want money and power more than love, peace, and harmony like any good christian.
You see, this is the foretold battle or revelation, and the internet is the current front line.
That is why they are trying so hard to censor it, because this is they key to informing the people of this horrible truth on the Earth today.
"THEY" have always known that if too many people learn about this, they will fail, and that is why we need to protect and use the internet to make that happen, preferably before another one of "THEM" gets elected (i.e. Mitt Romney).
If you do not know about the following things,
than you are partly responsi...
This action to "End Global Warming" is that of one who has fallen for "their" lies, and is deceived into ignoring the real issues causing our problems.
First of all, global temperature changes from ice-age to warm age (like now, which will be the warmest on Dec 21 of 2012), are caused by the Milankovitch cycles:
1)the circle/oval nature of the earths orbit=100,000yrs;
2)the precession of earths axis makes a circle=about 26,000yrs;
3)the tilt of earths axis also changes in a cycle of 41,000 years. All of these effect the temperature. Also, Antarctica used to be near or at the equator, and the predicted shifting of the earths axis is happening right now, at 40miles per year last time I checked. We here in Arizona are therefore slowly moving towards the equator while the north pole moves towards Russia.
In the last 150 years it is true that we have increased the natural warming slightly, but only a small percentage (well under 10%) of the natural fluctuation between now, and the middle of the last ice age (which was 130,000 years long, and note, the neanderthals started and ended during that same period).
Further note that there is major meteor activity every 26,000 years, and that it is more severe ever third cycle, and this is the third cycle. There are major meteors headed our way in 2012 and 2020. Last time they ended the ice age and killed the neanderthals. The time before that was minor, it only created the huge Arizona Meteor crater, which is a small global event compared to the other ones as seen in the Ice Core chart on Wikipedia.
The time before that was the third and last time that the super-volcano in Yellow Stone erupted, it has erupted every 75,000 years or so, and each time because of a meteor. Also, a meteor created it the first time, about 225,000 years ago.
You must understand that these are natural events, and it is only those of us that understand them that can survive the coming changes.
Intentional genocide of the Human Race by The richest international financiers including (but not limited to):
Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Schiff, Warburg, Lehman, Lazard, Goldman Sachs, Kuhn and Loeb, etc..
Here is how they are doing it...
(Note, all of the sources for this are available on:
The international and central banks control the nations governments by controlling their money. This is the plan devised by Mayor Rothschild and 12 others in the 1770s because they could see that the Constitution could ruin their centuries old plans for complete Global Domination (the New World Order, if you dont believe in it, search for: "New World Order Quotes" and see the proof).
The methods used for killing us are:
Genetically Modified Foods which are shown to alter your organs and cause deaths,
Chemtrails contain tons of aluminum which is an accumulating toxin,
Mercury in the Thimerosal in all vaccines, or aluminum in their replacements, cause diseases,
All Processed and preserved foods cause disease.
The cure for all disease is to eat only those foods that made our ancestors healthy for the last million years, balance your Ph to just over 7.1, and get the right amount of the 42 "Essential Nutrients", and you will cure all disease.
Now at my market (Frys) the only NOT G.M. Produce is one type of heritage tomato. That is the only food in the store that does not cause harm.
Here is how health, disease and aging work:
Our cells have learned to use certain molecules, and anything new leaves left over parts that are ionized and called free radicals. These bond to other molecules causing harm, aging, and all diseases.
That is why all drugs have negative effects, and only natural foods can truly cure all disease.
The first doctor to find this in the modern record was Dr. Gerson. Also Dr. Reams and many others.
These rich individuals are the ones who call themselves the Illuminati, Mayor Rothschild started them in the 1770s for this reason. They infiltrated the free masons and make up their ranks above 33. They actually worship Lucifer, which explains why they want money and power more than love, peace, and harmony like any good christian.
You see, this is the foretold battle or revelation, and the internet is the current front line.
That is why they are trying so hard to censor it, because this is they key to informing the people of this horrible truth on the Earth today.
"THEY" have always known that if too many people learn about this, they will fail, and that is why we need to protect and use the internet to make that happen, preferably before another one of "THEM" gets elected (i.e. Mitt Romney).
If you do not know about the following things,
than you are partly responsi...
Why is this important?
The one cause to the worlds problems is; the people who are paying money to, and voting for, criminals who are subverting governments world wide for their so called "New World Order".
The one solution is for enough people to learn how the International and Central Bankers or Financiers are corrupting nations governments by controlling their money supplies, causing economic disasters, and then mutilating their laws while everyone else is busy surviving.
The path begins by looking up the 16 phrases at the bottom of the petition.
The one solution is for enough people to learn how the International and Central Bankers or Financiers are corrupting nations governments by controlling their money supplies, causing economic disasters, and then mutilating their laws while everyone else is busy surviving.
The path begins by looking up the 16 phrases at the bottom of the petition.