To: The Florida State House and The Florida State Senate
FL Gov. Rick Scott makes Rest Area Security Cuts.
Stop Rick Scott's Rest Area Security Cuts.
Why is this important?
Rick Scott is cutting back on security at all Florida Rest Areas effective March 11, 2012. As part of his budget cutting policies, Rick Scott will reduce the armed security officer presence at all Rest Areas. He is changing the two single guard shifts from 4pm-8am to a single guarded shift from 8pm-6am. This one guard will work a ten hour shift and will switch sides every 45 minutes. On I-10 this will effectively leave the East and West Rest Areas unguarded for 5 hours during the night. The ten hour security shifts affect all the Rest Areas in Florida.
Why risk public safety and tourism. The savings will not even make a dent in the state's budget deficit. More lost jobs will not help the state's economy.
Why risk public safety and tourism. The savings will not even make a dent in the state's budget deficit. More lost jobs will not help the state's economy.