To: Broward Clerk of Courts, Howard Forman, Iris Siple,, Deputy Clerk of Broward Clerk of Courts

Fl. Voters against "At Will '' forced employment.

*Improve the job security for those that have jobs!.
*Improve the job market employment status for new jobs!
*Improve the complete disregard of Federal Labor Law protection for employees!

Why is this important?

Florida has been unconstitutionally changed form a" Right to Work" State, which PROHIBITS MANDATORY UNION MEMEBERSHIP, to that of a misquoted "AT WILL" State.
.......Which means an employee can be fired or "let go "
without any cause or warning ! Not legal, yet now a standard for employment in the public and private sector. It's time for a positive change to return the civil rights for working Men & Woman of Broward County of the Broward Clerks Office and private corporations !