To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Flag Desecration Ammendment

The Flag Desecration Amendment, often referred to as the Flag-burning Amendment, is a proposed constitutional amendment to the United States Constitution that would allow the United States Congress to prohibit statutorily the physical desecration of the flag of the United States. With the actions of those in Ferguson, it is time we said that burning the flag that symbolizes the freedom men and women died for is NOT acceptable!

Why is this important?

This proposed amendment was intended to give Congress the right to enact statutes criminalizing the burning or other desecration of the United States flag in a public protest. Proponents of legislation to proscribe flag burning argue that burning the flag is a very offensive gesture that deserves to be outlawed. Our flag represents the struggle our nation went through in earning and paving the way to freedom and no American she disrespect it so blatantly by publicly burning it. This is not a freedom of Speech issue, as protesters could come up with other ways to show their displeasure. Help me make it illegal to destroy the national symbol of our nations freedom!