To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Flat (fair) income tax rate for all

We demand a single federal income tax rate for all people on ALL income.

We demand that nobody gets a tax rebate/refund or credits who are above the poverty line.

We demand no tax rebates/refunds for any business ever.

We demand a single federal income tax rate for all business on ALL income.

The US tax system has overtime become regressive and needs to be made fair for all citizens, not just those with money for lobbyists.

Why is this important?

This is a petition designed to make taxation in the USA fair for all people. We are demanding a single tax rate on ALL income, and a flat business tax for ALL businesses. There will not be one loophole allowed. There are to be no tax rebates to anyone above the poverty line, and all businesses are excluded from recieving any tax rebates.
