To: Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida Disability Grassroots: We need Adult Day Training Programs

The population that you target with draconian budget cuts, have severe and mostly multiple disabilities. Those cuts create unsafe and unethical life conditions especially since you have to protect the rights of all Florida citizens and not only the wealthy population. If there is $$ to cut FL corporate tax, than you have no excuse to keep the 12/9/11 approved budget.

We need you to reinstall Adult Day Training as a core service.
We cannot accept the budget cuts that you approved on 12/9/11.

Stop cutting vulnerable disabled citizens!!!

Why is this important?

Florida Governor Rick Scott decided to cut the budget for people with disabilities which will lead per APD (Area offices) website information to 40%+ cuts for 2/3 of the costplans of Florida's most vulnerable disabled population.
Rick Scott and APD Director Hansen decided in addition to those cuts to eliminate Adult Day Training Programs as a core (:needed) service.
With this decision, they removed the previous guaranteed
funding and parents as well as advocates fear the worst especially since the changes will happen in Spring 2012.

Without Adult Day Training, parents are either forced to quit their job and care for their child, or give their adult child in an institution which breaks their heart (and cost Scott much more) or they leave their child alone at home from Monday-Friday during work hours.

Current Medicaid Waiver disabled recipients have challenging disabilities and medical conditions, ranging from severe seizures, low IQ's, wheelchair bound and often unable to even move a arm, the need of receiving full assistance often through a 2-person-lift with changing attends/adult diapers or using a restroom, and most needing full assistance to eat. Many need positioning throughout the day to avoid
bed sores and skin drafts. Much more could be listed her
Florida's republican Governor shows no to ensure the safety of people with often severe and multiple disabilities.

Tell Governor Rick Scott to stop cutting the funding for the developmental disabled population and to make Adult Day Training Programs (and transportation to ADT) again a core service.
