To: David Jolly, U.S. Representative and Carlos Lopez-Cantera, Lt. Governor of Florida

Florida voters deserve to know if you stand with Donald Trump

Republican Senate hopefuls Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera and Representative David Jolly remain “undecided” about their support for Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President. This kind of uncertainty from elected officials seeking higher office is disrespectful to Florida voters. We demand that Lopez-Cantera and David Jolly take a position on Donald Trump’s candidacy for President immediately!

Why is this important?

Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, the leader of the GOP nationally and in Florida.

While Republicans across the country flock to support Donald Trump’s candidacy, The Tampa Bay Times recently reported that Republican Senate hopefuls Carlos Lopez-Cantera and David Jolly remain “undecided” on whether they can support Donald Trump.

If Carlos Lopez-Cantera and David Jolly do not declare unequivocally that they will not vote for Donald Trump, then they are in support of Donald Trump’s campaign and candidacy.

It is unacceptable for politicians like Carlos Lopez-Cantera and David Jolly to remain silent on whether they support one of the most xenophobic presidential candidates in our country’s history.

Carlos Lopez-Cantera and David Jolly need to stop playing political games take a position on Donald Trump’s candidacy for President!