25 signatures reached
To: The Illinois State House
Fluoride Free Illinois - End Mandatory Water Fluoridation
Water fluoridation is unethical. Informed consent is standard practice for all medication, and one of the key reasons why most of Western Europe has ruled against fluoridation. With water fluoridation we are allowing governments to do to whole communities (forcing people to take a medicine irrespective of their consent) what individual doctors cannot do to individual patients.
Put another way: Does a voter have the right to require that their neighbor ingest a certain medication (even if it is against that neighbor’s will)?
Please visit FluorideFreeIllinois.org for more details.
Put another way: Does a voter have the right to require that their neighbor ingest a certain medication (even if it is against that neighbor’s will)?
Please visit FluorideFreeIllinois.org for more details.
Why is this important?
Please pass Illinois House bill “HB-5383 - PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY-FLUORIDE” which repeals a provision requiring the Department of Public Health to provide for the addition of fluoride to public water supplies.