To: The North Carolina State Senate
Follow up by military for vets with PTSD
Hold the military accountable/responsible for the care of ALL VFW members and support systems for their families.
Why is this important?
Both my sons are vet of Iraq - the youngest ( NC Army National Guard) who was there in 2005-2006, has 70% disability rating for PTSD. The military has done little except throw $$ at him (where is the follow thru with counceling; a contact person to call when he goes "soldier mode" besides me, his mother?) I have called numerous times, going up the list, thru the chain of command and made it to the 2nd in command in NC where we live - she, a major, got an attitude with me! After I informed her that I out-rank her being an "Army Mom x2", she gave me a chaplin's number who never returned my call........that was about 3 yrs ago! Still, my son can go off out of the blue; has been in numerous fights ( some he instagated, some not); arrested numerous times (assault on an officer x 6 at one time because if you try to subdue him, he goes crazy - a soldier is taught to fight to the death and being 6', maybe 160 lbs - I've seen him defend himself against 4 officers, 2 security guards - all with his jaw broken in 4 places(!) due to an altercation with 2 seniors while at college. He was expelled asap from this state funded college with me receiving a call that he has NO right to be on this college campus since he has been taught hand to hand combat.........after he drove himself to a VA hosp (an hour away) and they couldn't handle this type of emergency surgery; he was taken via EMS to a bigger civilian hosp for surgery. After a few days admission, his older brother, a career soldier, stayed by his side and took him back to his campus apartment and stood as his security guard because he was in no shape to travel to return home at that time. To make matters worse - he was billed for the civilian hosp bill when since the VA couldn't handle his care, the military was responsible for any bills. This is just ONE of the many situations he had been involved in. I could go on for days!