To: President Donald Trump, The Kansas State House, The Kansas State Senate, Governor Laura Kelly, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Genetically Engineered food is full of pesticides and herbicides, especially corn and soy which are everywhere in our food chain, including livestock because of the feed. We have more chronic diseases, allergies, infertility, autism and it is all linked to food. We ask that all ingredients, especially GE's and hormones be labeled clearly, without deceptive wording so consumers can make informed decisions. If it's not harmful, why do large corporations like Monsanto fight labeling? They have to be hiding something or they wouldn't spend millions fighting states like California that have tried to pass propositions for food labeling.

Why is this important?

Food Labeling - Healthcare Crisis
We demand honest, all-inclusive labeling of all food products and their ingredients. It is a basic consumer right to know what we are buying without deceptive wording or packaging. Natural doesn't mean organic. We have a right to know if genetically engineered or modified ingredients are in anything we purchase.
