To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Force the Government to Provide Full Disclosure on Radiation Levels

Numerous reports are surfacing about the rising Radiation Levels due to the disaster in Fukushima. The public has a right to full disclosure. Let's force the Government to address and tell us the truth about what we are facing as a nation and what we can do if anything to protect ourselves.

Why is this important?

The rising Radiation levels will affect all of us as a nation. We have a right to know the truth about the contamination in this country from the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor disaster in Japan. Ocean life is already showing signs of what exposure to Radiation has caused. It is our right to know what we are facing and what if anything we can do to protect our children.