To: President Donald Trump


Dear Mr.President,
The U.S. economy will not rebound as long as the foreclosure crises is allowed to continue. Every American is affected and needs relief from this continuing disaster. We urge you to immediately declare a three year nation-wide moratorium on foreclosures and on the re-sale of foreclosed upon homes.
Thank you.

Why is this important?

Housing drives the U.S. economy. That is not happening now, and will not happen as long as the foreclosure crisis is permitted to continue. Milions of Americans have lost their homes through foreclosure; a substantial number of which were fraudulent. Millions more face the same fate this year and beyond. Millions of foreclosed upon homes have been dumped
on the market (by the banks) resulting in a depressed real estate market and billions of dollars in lost equity by home owners who are current on their loans.

What is lost midst all the statistics and issues are the children; thousands of innocent children who are now homeless and frightened. It is a national disgrace.

Banks and other lenders destroyed our economy and caused the housing crisis; they will not fix it. Every American homeowner is affected and needs relief from this disasterous
situation. Please support this movement to end the crisis. Please sign this petition urging President Obama to declare a three year nation-wide moratorium on foreclosures and on the re-sale of foreclosed upon homes. The moratorium will force lenders to resolve the issues with homeowners on a case-by-case basis.The moratorium will have an immediate effect on the economy by replacing the current atmosphere of fear and anxiety with one of hope and optimism. Please support this effort; we need 10,000 signatures by July 31st. Please forward
this message to everyone you know. Please sign this petition to President Barack Obama
