To: Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-8), Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA-7), Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Forfeit your government retirement and health benefits

For whatever insane reason, you (specifically GOP members) believe that working and non-working Americans should shoulder the total weight of the financial responsibility of this country. The majority of you entered into what was suppose to be ''public service'' as middle-class citizens. Within a few short years you have become millionaires even though given your salaries, basic math would render this an impossibility. And yet you all have benefit of medical insurance that We The People pay for and a secure retirement., both of which you are trying to eliminate or terminate for Americans. This is insanity and greed! Apparently the public's silence on these issues have led you to believe this has all gone unnoticed. It has not. But your continued insistence on rendering the general populace the inability to live above the poverty level has made this necessary. We are also aware that due to your ''millionaire status'', the termination of the Bush Tax Cuts would impact you as well. Therefore there is a conflict of interest in your negotiation process!

Therefore, we propose that you all forfeit those tax payer paid benefits OR your ''elected'' positions forthwith. You are NOT serving the people of this country. There is another alternative, that you all become payees into the Social Security/Medicare program with no income ceiling limits, which would eliminate any further funding issues.

In closing, be aware that any cuts to unemployment, Social Security, increases to retirement age, increases in taxes to anyone earning less than $250,000/yr or any other proposals which place further hardships on the citizens of this country who are not millionaires or above will not be tolerated!

Why is this important?

The continued stalemate on the issue of terminating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich and irresponsible behaviour of the GOP elected members of the House will no longer be tolerated by We The People.