To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Forgive Student Loan Debt

For those of us who have been paying on student loans forever and have paid thousand and thousands of dollars and pay on a monthly basis, I feel we have paid more than enough. I am now at the point where all I am paying is interest which is leaving me very stressed about my other obligations. I feel I have paid enough. I will never finish paying because of the interest that is increasing year after year. I say enough is enough. I have paid well over what my student loan was to begin with. Please stop the madness!

Why is this important?

Student Loan payments, I am concerned because I do not know how much longer I can continue to pay which will only put me in default and the interest will start all over again. I will never finish paying my student loans not because I am not complying but because it is abuse on the part of the Federal Government. yes I feel I have been personally effected by it. I have been paying for 5 years $300.00 per month and now $320.00 for one year. I feel I have paid my debt and should been forgiven on Student Loans.
