
Formally demand that leave.

We are not your personal billboard. We have asked this organization over and over again to please leave the obama nonsense at home.WE DO NOT SUPPORT OBAMA! We are furious with this organization trying to turn this into another Obama2012 re-election campaign like they have tried to do in multiple cities,most recently in Las Vegas.
If you do not stop this immediately, then we must demand that you leave the movement,seeing as you refuse to comply with even our simplest,basic request. It's bad enough that we have the ron paul zombies out here trying to hijack this movement,we don't need another force coming at us from the other side.
You have been warned repeatedly and you refuse to comply.
This petition should have never have happened,but you force our hand and this is the result. Please leave.

Why is this important?

This is a formal demand to to leave the ows movement.
