To: Rupert Murdoch, CEO Fox News

Fox News: Fire Judge Jeannine Pirro

Judge Jeanine Pirro the most notorious Trump supporter has attacked the Obamas, Clinton, immigrants, and has used hate filled rhetoric to encourage others to attack Muslims, blacks, and hispanics. In August 2017, she said during the Mueller investigation if they end up with an indictment against a family member just to, you know, just to get at Donald Trump when they couldn't get at him, there's going to be real uproar, a real uprising in this country.”

Why is this important?

This is important to me because I believe that people shouldn’t make threats like that. There is so much wrong with statement. First and foremost, Pirro is setting the stage for crackpot Trump supporters to take to the streets in an outburst of violence. She didn't bother to offer any objection to the uprising she's predicting. That will serve as permission to the StormTrumpers who believe that their Leader is God's anointed savior of the alt-right's America. She should also be indicted and arrested
