To: Vera Scroggins, Anti-Fracking Activist

Fracking Company Retaliates Against Activist by Blocking Her Access to Hospital!

I am outraged at the unconstitutional retaliation against an anti-fracking activist who exercised her First Amendment right to speak out. A judge granted a request from Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation to keep Vera Scroggins from setting foot on some 312.5 square miles of land in and around her community -- including some of her friends' homes, local businesses, and even the nearby hospital. I stand with you, Vera, in support of every American's rights to freedom of speech and freedom of movement.

Why is this important?

Vera Scroggins is a 63-year-old community activist who has been exercising her constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment rights and speaking out about the hazards of fracking.

In retaliation, the Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation sought, and a judge granted, an injunction so broad it prevents Vera from entering a total of 312.5 square miles of land in her home state of Pennsylvania -- including the homes of some of her friends, her neighborhood grocery store, her eye doctor, and even the nearby hospital!

While fracking companies may not appreciate activists who take a stand, we simply cannot allow them to so egregiously violate the freedom of speech and freedom of movement to which every American is entitled by the Constitution of the United States.

Take a stand against corporate retaliation. Defend the constitutional rights of all Americans. And let Vera know you've got her back.

