To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Fraking=water pollution. Water Pollution=Cancer Clusters

Fresh Water Sources are America's most critical limited resource. Polluting any part of that resource is immoral,as it has historically lead to the collapse of so many societies in the past.
Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" is the go-to reference on Catastrophic Water Pollution which practices like Fraking will definitely cause.

Toxic Fraking Water is not detoxifiable, any more than you can unbreak a broken egg. Find another energy resource that does not destroy our most valuable resources, Fresh Water and Good Health.

Why is this important?

As a Designer in an Ohio PR Firm, I was witness to the half-hearted efforts of one International Corporation to provide palliative health care to residents of a small town suffering gruesome ailments due to said Corporation's pollution of the town's water supply.The legal issues and suffering of said townsfolk was hidden under a pile of non- disclosure agreements,which is all I can legally disclose.
Frak Illinois and poison your children.