To: Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, Buddy Caldwell, LA Atty General, Attorney General, The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards

Free Black males from systematic imprisonments!

It is time to abolish drug and other related laws that systematically snare a significant portion of the Louisiana population only. Louisiana's number one prison, Angola, is 85% Black males! Surely other folks are committing crimes, but Blacks are only 44% of the Louisiana population. To ignore this statistic and continue is racial in nature by the powers that be. Please act or we will on another level!

Why is this important?

Black males are systematically being imprisoned in Louisiana for profit. It is call "warehousing negroes for profit!" Black males from ages 18 to 38 are an endangered species in Louisiana. This state has the highest incarceration rate in the nation due to outright institutionalized racism by the good ol boy network of white males ages 35 to 75 from district attorneys to judges to racist police.