To: The New York State Senate

Free College Education for Residents of NYS

Education should be free to residents of New York .

Why is this important?

at 20 years old i owe the government $50,000 because i wanted to attend pastry school. education in new york state should be paid for for residents. other states don't make their residents pay thousands to further their education! my older sister wants to get a culinary degree at a community college. she can't afford the tuition though, and she was only granted financial aid for one semester. when she applied again for the second semester, they denied her because six years ago she had to drop some classes at community college so she could work. they stopped her financial aid then because she was only going part time and denied her again this year because of that incident. i find this completely unfair. my sister works at wal-mart, and i've graduated from pastry school. something needs to change. education should be free! i think more teens would stay in high school because they could go on to college knowing they don't have to worry about loans or debt. kids will finally ne able to be whatever they want to be, just like they tell us in kindergarten. please sign this petition and help get my message out there! thank you!!
