To: The City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum


The American people have long awaited the chance to visit Dealey Plaza on the 50th Anniversary of the Kennedy assassination (Nov. 22, 2013) in Dallas,where President John F. Kennedy was shot. But the City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum have taken over Dealey Plaza.for their own purposes. The American public will be banned from participating unless invited, We hear that only Dallas area residents will have tickets to enter Dealey Plaza. This petition demands that the City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum allow the people of the United States to enter Dealey Plaza freely, as in the past, without impediments, to honor their slain President without regard to place of residence, attire, or beliefs about the assassination. We demand that COPA and other organizations seeking justice for John F. Kennedy receive permission to speak, to freely gather unto themselves the public, at the Grassy Knoll, as in the past, and that they be allowed to hold the traditional Moment of Silence when Kennedy was shot and killed. We, the American people, shall exercise our right to assemble, speak and participate in the traditional manner, as in the past, in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 21, 22, 23,and 24, 2013 without censorship, harassment or fear. We shall also be allowed to purchase, sell or obtain whatsoever books, souvenirs, tracts,and other memorabilia is available from vendors, researchers, witnesses and friends of the Kennedy and Oswald families, inside and outside Dealey Plaza on Nov. 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2013, without hindrance, impediments or fear of arrest.
We demand that the City of Dallas immediately issue permits at a reasonable cost to COPA, vendors, researchers and interested others to speak and meet freely, and to buy and sell freely, without tickets or other strategies to control who can or who cannot enter Dealey Plaza.
This event must be open to us, the American people, and our wishes and constitutional rights respected.

Why is this important?

The 50th Anniversary of the Kennedy assassination will be held Nov. 22, 2013 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, where President John F. Kennedy was shot, but the City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum have taken over Dealey Plaza. They say they will allow no mention of Kennedy's death, will allow only city residents entry to Dealey Plaza, issuing entry tickets. All others can assemble in a designated area far from Dealey Plaza, where they can be subject to arrest as felons if any disturbances (which can be created by infiltrators) take place. COPA and others who traditionally spoke on the Grassy Knoll for decades have been denied permits to speak, buy or sell, or to hold a moment of silence. We demand that Dealey Plaza be opened to all Americans. COPA, which traditionally held a moment of silence, eulogies and speeches regarding the assassination, has been denied the expected permit to gather on the Grassy Knoll. This petition is not associated with COPA but stands as a demand for the freedom of speech of the people, and for access to Dealey Plaza for all Americans, without impediments or arrest. The City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum will monopolize this event and make their opinions the only ones to be heard. Their actions constitute obstruction of justice for Kennedy and for Oswald..We will demand free access to Dealey Plaza for Nov. 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2013. We will demand that permits will be issued at a reasonable cost and without delays, beginning July 5, 2013. Sign this petition to open Dealey Plaza to ALL AMERICANS today!
