To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

"Free Kesha"

Let's stop allowing all white jurys to decide the fate of Africian Americans and other minorities, as they are charge, and convicted of bougus crimes with they didn't committ. Let have equal juiors on a jury. Let stop having an all white prosecution and an all white jury convict innocent people. We petition that Kesh Haynie be allow a new trail, where the Judge does not refer to her Africian American attorney, who name is Eduardo Roy, to be constantly refered to as Mr. Haynie. Also the prosecutor presuded the Judge that she should be remanded in custody be she is a flight risk, which is ridiclous, she has no passport, no money, and all her family lies here in California. Let's petitionthe Judge to set her free so that she can get her affairs in oder. She has a seventeen year old daughter who needs her mother, and it's a wate of tax payers money to keep her in custody,rather than to allow her to continue to be a productive member of society.My family and I are embarking on a massive letter writing campaign in support of Kesha. We are asking everyone who really knows Kesha's character, to write letters of support concerning the truth about who she really is, and debunk the distorted impression that the prosecutors lead the jury to believe.

Yes the just shall live by Faith, and we do walk by Faith and...... not by, yet we still must also do things in the natural and believe for God's devine intervention, (The supernatural) so please support this effort to bring Kesha home by flooding the judge's desk with letters of support, Thanks for all the prayers and words of encouragement:

Letters should be addressed to: The Honorable Judge Edward Garcia, United States Courthouse, 501 "I" Street, Sacramento, 95814
and another copy should be sent to the "Probation Dept." at the same address.

Why is this important?

Another Africian American has been a vitim of a corrupt Law enforcemet and Judicial system, She has been accused, and convicted of a crime which she dinn't committ. She has been a model citizen, never been in trouble with the law, a good wife and great mother to her children, who are also respected in the community.