To: Jim Atchison, President
Free Killer Whales in Captivity
Killer Whales are suffering for profit. They are being ripped from their pods at early ages to become clowns for our amusement. Also they are being kept in very small tanks and because of that they die much earlier than they should.
Why is this important?
Killer Whales are amazing animals and they should not be in tanks with no room to swim and they need to be free. Killer Whales are normally in a pod of 30-40 whales and they are all related. In captivity there is about 3 or 4 whales in a tank not related to each other so many fights can happen and the whales can get injured. Also these whales have acted out in performing shows and have hurt the performers. How many deaths does it have to take to realize these animals do not belong in captivity?