To: President Donald Trump

Free marginal government land

We are all people who have become inspired and convinced of the urgent need for government supported development of family-sized sustainably farmed land-plots or community gardens. There is much material available to confirm that we can "grow a food-garden anywhere." (E.g.: DVDs of the Rodnoe Settlement in Russia; or Australia's "Greening the Desert" film, Sepp Holzer's Permaculture DVDs and urban gardening via organizations like

There is much unused land, ranging from very fertile to presumably unusable, marginal, even arid land. And there are precedents for the governments of many nations having provided such land to families practically free of charge for the development of family-sized plots for micro-farmed family domains which sustained the economy. (Russia's Dacha Gardens; Germany's Schrebergaerten and America's Victory Gardens attest to this.) The granting of such land-tracts must include guidelines for changing rigid local zoning and use-permit laws to facilitate the swift creation of such food-plots, ideally as part of eco-type settlements.

Why is this important?

Small food-plot ownership granted by the government to the people.

Land has traditionally belonged to the people and not rich landowners who use it to hold value and employ people, but rarely to grow organic, local food. It belongs back into the people's hands to help the planet heal faster and secure healthy living for us.
